University of California, Riverside Schedule of Classes
Select Term:
About Enrollment

Allow one week for verifications to be processed. Verification requests prior to the third week of instruction will be processed only if the student has paid fees and enrolled. (Scholarship verifications will not be completed by the Financial Aid Office until after the third week of the quarter.) Any student requesting verification for payment of fees should contact the Cashier's Office.

Verification of student status for the current and previous terms may be obtained from the following offices for the purposes indicated:

Office of the Registrar

--Student loan deferments
--Cal Grant
--Congressional Teachers Fellowship
--Law school references
--Credit card companies
--Good student driver's discount
--Insurance companies
--Banking services
--Military ID

Financial Aid

--Outside scholarships

International Student Services

--Student status letter (certifying registration status including expected completion of degree)
--Letter of financial information (certifying minimum expenses, for attendance at UCR)
--Education Abroad International ID