University of California, Riverside Schedule of Classes
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About Enrollment

Check the Calendar to determine when advising information is available, then visit GROWL to obtain advising information. Common advising requirements include scheduling a meeting with your student affairs or faculty advisor, submitting a course plan for the upcoming term, or providing your advisor with a statement about your plans or personal goals for the quarter.

Once you have completed any necessary requirements, you can enroll on the date and time of your assigned enrollment appointment.

Students with no advising requirements will simply be provided with the date and time of their enrollment appointment directly within GROWL.

Students are encouraged to submit any required information as early as possible to allow for timely review by their advisor. Information submitted will be reviewed on the basis of enrollment dates. You will receive a notification via Webmail within one working day of your information being reviewed.

If you have any questions about an advising requirement placed by your academic department that cannot be resolved within GROWL, please contact that department for assistance.