Approval Routing
How Course Proposals are Approved
Every course proposal goes through a specific approval route. This process varies based on what type of course you are proposing or modifying. Find your course type below and see the chain of approval for your proposal.
Undergraduate (001-199)
All Courses (except BMSC, BSAD, BUS, EDU and HNPG)
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- University Honors Program Executive Committee approves (if applicable)
- Courses specialist reviews
- College Executive Committee approves
- Committee on Courses approves
BMSC, BSAD, BUS and EDUC Courses
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- One of the following (as applicable):
- BMSC - BMSC Executive Committee approves
- BSAD/BUS - SOBA Executive Committee approves
- EDUC - EDUC Executive Committee approves
- Courses specialist reviews
- Committee on Courses approves
HNPG Courses
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- University Honors Program Executive Committee approves
- Any that apply:
- BMSC - BMSC Executive Committee approves
- BSAD/BUS - SOBA Executive Committee approves
- EDUC - EDUC Executive Committee approves
- Courses specialist reviews
- College Executive Committee(s) approve(s) (if applicable)
- Committee on Courses approves
Graduate (200-299)
All Courses (except BMSC, EDUC and MGT)
BMSC, EDUC and MGT Courses
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- One of the following (as applicable):
- BMSC - Dean of BMSC reviews
- EDUC - Dean of EDUC reviews
- MGT - Dean of AGSM reviews
- Courses specialist reviews
- Graduate Council and Graduate Division dean approve
- Committee on Courses approves
Professional (300-499)
All Courses (except BMSC, EDUC and MGT)
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- One of the following (as applicable):
- BMSC - Dean of BMSC reviews
- EDUC - Dean of EDUC reviews
- MGT - Dean of AGSM reviews
- Courses specialist reviews
- Graduate Council and Graduate Division dean approve
- Committee on Courses approves
BMSC, EDUC and MGT Courses
- Department/Committee/Program faculty approve
- Department/Committee/Program chair approves
- One of the following (as applicable):
- BMSC - BMSC Executive Committee approves
- EDUC - EDUC Executive Committee approves
- MGT - AGSM Executive Committee approves
- Courses specialist reviews
- Graduate Council and Graduate Division dean approve
- Committee on Courses approves