What is iGrade?
iGrade is a Web-based grade submission system enabling UCR faculty to submit grades electronically (via the Web or from an Excel spreadsheet) directly into the campus Student Information System.
How do I change a grade?
- If you are a faculty member and made an error in grade submission, please fill out a Grade Change and Incomplete Removal Form and submit it to the Registrar's Office.
- Submission of the Grade Change and Incomplete Removal Form can be submitted by intercampus mail or in person with a photo ID. Please note that students and student assistants may not submit this form in person.
iGrade Functionality
iGrade provides campus faculty with the following important functionality:
- Ability to view class roster on the Web.
- Input grades via a Web interface OR upload grades from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Perform edit checks online and obtain information on whether or not grades are ready to post.
- Eliminates the need for paper submission of grades.
- Increases the speed of grade distribution to students via R'Web (the campus website providing students Web access to grades, registration, etc.).
iGrade Availability and Deadlines
- iGrade is available to view class rosters on the day the quarter begins.
- iGrade opens to submit grades the Monday of 10th week.
- Deadline to submit grades is the Tuesday after finals week for Fall. Winter and Spring quarters. Contact Summer Session for summer deadlines.
Who to Contact
- NetID and Password Help - Faculty: Contact the Help Desk (x2-3555) for password assistance, or lookup your NetID here.
- If there are any questions regarding faculty course assignments, please contact the scheduling contact for the department.
- If you have any questions about iGrade or you need further assistance, please contact Jason Heidenfelder or call x2-5896.
- For technical support with the iGrade application please contact Computing & Communications.
MSO Checklist
- Please ensure that all new faculty appointments or promotions are submitted via Excel to Academic Scheduling in the Registrar's Office. These should be sent as soon as possible but no later than 3rd week of the quarter. This is especially critical for all new faculty and any faculty transitioning from a TA appointment.
- Please assist all new faculty in ensuring that they have a working UCR NetID; the NetID is required to log into iGrade. Email reminders to faculty will be sent from the Registrar's Office via webmail.
- Please ensure that any new faculty are in Banner by submitting a Banner support ticket here.
- Please ensure all courses have a faculty designation. Courses assigned to "Staff" will not be visible in iGrade and therefore will not be available for grading.
- If the instructor of a course changes in the middle of the quarter, please ensure that the new information is entered into Banner so the new instructor can grade the course.
- If you have faculty who are classified as an affiliate or visiting faculty who cannot be added to our payroll system because they are currently on the payroll of another UC institution, please direct the faculty to the appropriate department staff member to have the class roster from SDQS printed for them. For these faculty only we will allow grades to be submitted by paper to the Registrar's Office to data enter. If the department chair is available to submit grades on their behalf they can be submitted through iGrade.