Special Programs
Earn Credit Off-Campus
UCR students are innovative learners. We give credit for work completed in unique circumstances. Certain procedures must be followed and only specific programs qualify. Military programs, extension courses and studying abroad are just some of the ways you can earn credit for extraordinary work.
Cross Registration Programs | UCR Extension | Summer Classes | Internships |
Cross Enrollment (Killea)
- Cross Enrollment (Killea), also known as Senate Bill 1914 (California Education Code
Sections 66750 through 66756), lets undergraduate students enrolled in any California
community college, California State University or UC to enroll without formal admission
in one course for one term at another campus within those three systems. This happens
on a space-available basis and at the discretion of campus authorities. Please note: this program is not available during summer session.
At University of California campuses, the beginning of the third week of instruction has been designated as the date by which an instructor can determine when space is available to accommodate a student seeking to enroll on this basis. (Normally instructors in all segments permit students to attend classes until their final course registration has been certified.) Cross enrollment at another campus within the same system is excluded, as is enrollment in pre-collegiate courses. Students who seek to cross enroll under this program must have met all of the following requirements:
• Completed at least one term at their home campus as a matriculated student.
• Enrolled for a minimum of 6 units at their home campus for the current term.
• Earned a cumulative GPA of 2.00.
• Paid appropriate fees and any applicable tuition at their home campus for the current term.
• Completed appropriate academic preparation for the desired course, as
determined by the host campus, consistent with the standards applied to
regularly enrolled students.
• Have been classified as a California resident by their home campus.
Both schools must be participating in this program before a student can take a course at another institution for the $46 per unit cross enrollment fee. Additional information and cross enrollment application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar.
- Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)
AFROTC participants train to become United States Air Force second lieutenants while completing their degree and may enroll in classes at California State University, San Bernardino. Call (909) 537-5440 for details.
Two and four-year AROTC programs are available through an agreement with Claremont McKenna College and the Department of Military Science at California State University, San Bernardino. Participants may earn elective credit toward their UCR degree. Successful completion results in a commission as a second lieutenant with subsequent service in the Army Reserve or National Guard. Call (909) 537-5533 (or 5534) for details.
- Reserve Officer's Training Corps
With dean approval, students may enroll in ROTC courses at another institution while completing their degree at UCR. Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact Admissions at (951) 827-3411. Those interested in Army ROTC should contact our special programs coordinator at (951) 827-5966. Program pamphlets are also available at the Career Center.
- Education Abroad Program (EAP)
EAP gives UC students the opportunity to grow as global citizens while earning UC credit. It has study abroad programs in 36+ countries at the some of the finest universities in the world. Please contact EAP for details.
- Intercampus Visitor Program (ICV)
The ICV program is good for those who want to take an entire quarter of classes at another UC campus. Qualified participants can take classes unavailable at UCR, participate in unique programs or study with a specific faculty member. Students may enroll at another UC campus for only one term. Go to the Highlander One Stop Shop (HOSS), on the first floor of the Student Services Building, for additional information and an application. Please note: this program is not available during summer session.
- Simultaneous Enrollment and Cross-Campus Enrollment
Simultaneous Enrollment is similar to the ICV, but participants are enrolled in at least six units at UCR while simultaneously taking additional classes at another UC campus. Cross-Campus Enrollment allows participants to simultaneously take online courses offered by another UC campus Participants of either program don't have to be formally admitted nor pay additional tuition/fees; however other fees may apply depending on the course. For additional information and application for Simultaneous Enrollment, please go to the Highlander One Stop Shop (HOSS), on the first floor of the Student Services Building. For additional information and to initiate enrollment for Cross-Campus Enrollment course opportunities please go to crossenroll.universityofcalifornia.edu. Please note: the Simultaneous Enrollment program is not available during summer session.
Eligibility requirements for both programs include:
- • Has completed a minimum of 12 units as a matriculated student at UCR (home campus).
- • Is enrolled for a minimum of 6 units for the current term at UCR (home campus)
- • Is in good standing.
- • Has the appropriate academic preparation as determined by the host campus.
- • Must have fees paid by Fee Payment deadline.
- Cal State San Bernardino Cross-Registration Program
This program allows full-time UCR undergraduate students (who have declared a major and are in good academic standing) to enroll at CSSB for one course per quarter. Approvals are required ahead of time from your academic advisor, college dean and our office. We can also give you application forms and deadline information. Please note: this program is not available during summer session!
UCR Extension
Only courses in UCR Extension's concurrent enrollment program are transferable and count toward your UCR degree.
Extension credit will not automatically appear on your academic record. You must submit an Extension transcript to Undergraduate Admissions.
If you are attending UCR Extension because you were dismissed from UCR, you may need to get additional approval and signatures before you can earn transferable credit.
Please contact UCR Extension with questions.
UCR and Off-Campus Summer Classes
Credit earned through UCR Summer Session classes will automatically appear on your academic record.
If you want to earn credit by taking a summer class at another school (including another UC), you must get the course work pre-approved by the dean of your college.
To earn credit for approved coursework taken on another campus, you must submit that transcript to Undergraduate Admissions.
If you are curious about internships, or want to know if you can earn credit for a particular one, please contact the Career Center. Contact us to learn more about these two standout internship programs:
- UCR Washington Academic Internship Program
UCR Campus Representative: Jessica Medvec
Undergraduate Education
Hinderaker 1100A
(951) 827-2634
- UC Center Sacramento Program
Associate Director Cindy Simmons
1130 K Street, Suite LL22
Sacramento, CA 95814
UCCS: (916) 445-5100
- UCR Campus Rep: (951) 827-2634