Disclosure Policies
Disclosing Student Records
See the UCR FERPA Policy for complete disclosure policy details.
In general, a student's educational records are private. However, a student can grant permission to disclose their records by authorizing self-service users or completing release forms.
Directory information is automatically public. Students may want to customize it in a way that hides sensitive information from public view.
Some groups, such as UCR faculty and staff, do have access to student records, but they are still required to keep them private.
How to Control Access to Your Records
Customize Your Directory Information
In accordance with FERPA, the following directory information is made public and accessible to any person requesting it, unless a student specifically asks that it be restricted.
- Telephone Number
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Email Address
- Dates of Attendance
- Honors
- Previous Schools Attended
- Degrees Awarded
- Major
- Participation in official activities and/or sports
- Height and weight (of athletes)
To restrict any of the above information, log in to R’Web, go to the “Authorization & Privacy” icon and select “Directory Information Privacy.” Check the boxes next to any information you do not want made public.
Important:If information is restricted, any request for it will be denied. For example, we would be unable to verify degrees for prospective employers or provide information to a newspaper. You can temporarily release information by logging in to R’Web and unchecking boxes. Then, after the third party has the information they need, you can return to R’Web and restrict information again.
Set Up Authorized R'Web Self-Service Users
You can give other people permission to view your student record information in self-service by logging in to R’Web, going to the “Authorization & Privacy” icon and selecting “Authorized User." There, you can establish their account, tailor the information they have access to, and grant them permission to contact Student Business Services, Financial Aid and/or Housing to discuss your account. See detailed instructions here.
Set Up Authorized Student Account Online Users
R'Web "Authorization & Privacy" settings allow you to authorize users to discuss account
information with Student Business Services and other campus offices, but in order
to authorize users to view billing information and online payments, you must authorize
them separately by going to the Student Account tab in R’Web and selecting "Student
Account Online."
Self-service authorization does not extend to all campus offices. You may have to fill out department-specific release forms.
Your authorized users can use buttons found here to log in.
Use Department-Specific Release Forms
You can sign a department-specific release form when you want to release information to a third party. (For example, when parents want access to records that a Self-Service authorization doesn't cover or to allow a professor to speak freely about specific academic performance in a letter of recommendation). We recommend contacting the appropriate department directly and inquiring about its release forms.
University Officials and Exceptions
Any person identified as a UCR official with legitimate interest in a student's education can access educational records.
Legitimate interest has been defined as:
- Performing a task specified in a position description or contract
- Performing a task related to a student's education or discipline
- Providing a service to a student
- Maintaining safety and security on campus
UCR officials have a responsibility to keep student records confidential and safe. They will not release any private information without a student's written consent, unless it is an emergency or falls under another FERPA exception.
Additional groups or individuals that may access educational records can be found in section 6 of the FERPA Policy.