February 20, 2007
1.0 Definitions
1.01 Student
1.02 Record
1.03 Student Records
1.04 Personally Identifiable Information
1.05 Public Information
1.06 Disclosure
1.07 Financial Aid
1.08 Campus
1.09 University
1.10 Campus Official
1.11 Legitimate Educational Interest
1.11.1 Legitimate Educational Interest Criteria Defined
2.0 Annual Notification of Rights
3.0 Inspection and Review of Student Records by Students
3.01 Procedures
3.02 Records Exempt from Inspection and Review by Students
4.0 Inspection and Review of Admission Records by Applicants
5.0 Waivers of Access Rights to Student Records by Students and Limitations of Such Waivers
6.01 Disclosure of Public Information About Current Students
6.02 Public Information About Former Students
7.0 Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information Without Student Consent
7.02 Redisclosure of Personally Identifiable Information
7.03 Request to Forward Academic Records
8.0 Record Keeping Requirements Regarding Request For And Disclosure Of information
8.01 Record of Disclosures Required
8.02 Record of Disclosures Not Required
8.03 Inspection of Record of Disclosures
8.04 Records Disposition
9.0 Procedures for Seeking the Correction of Student Records
9.01 Request For Correction of Records/Hearings
9.02 Hearing Procedures
9.03 Hearing Outcomes
9.04 Records Concerning Disciplinary Action
9.05 Grades
10.0 Grievance Procedures
11.0 Complaint Procedures
12.0 Civil Remedies
INTRODUCTION (Revised, 2007)
The University of California, Riverside, maintains various types of records pertaining to the students; some are maintained for academic purposes, others, such as medical records, are maintained for other specific purposes. These policies apply only to records pertaining to students in their capacity as students; they are not applicable to other records which are maintained for purposes unrelated to a student's status as a student. The disclosure of information from student records is governed by the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and in part by the State of California Education Code. It is the purposes of these policies to provide reasonable interpretations of those laws and to protect the student's right of privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution of the State of California. When the law is silent, the University shall be guided by two principles: (1) the privacy of an individual is of great weight, and (2) the information in a student's file should be disclosed to the student on request.
These policies supersede the University of California, Riverside Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, which were dated March 15, 1998. They supersede all previous policies and implement theUniversity of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Student Records, Section 130.00, in the Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, issued August 15, 1994 (revised October 12, 2005) by the University of California, Office of the President, Office of Student Academic Services. They incorporate pertinent provisions of the State of California Education Code (Section 67110 et seq.), relating to student records and the requirements set forth in the regulations implementing the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act dated April 11, 1988.
1.01 Student
A "student" is an individual for whom the University of California, Riverside, maintains student records and who either: (a) is enrolled in or registered with an academic program of the University; or (b) is between academic terms and has completed the immediately preceding term and is eligible for reenrollment or is on approved educational leave or other approved leave status.
Because the University uses enrollment and registration rather than attendance as a measure of student status, the term "attendance" as used in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is synonymous with the term "enrolled in and registered with" as specified in these policies.
1.02 Record
"Record" means any information or data recorded in any medium including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm, microfiche, and any electronic storage or retrieval media.
1.03 Student Records
1.03.1 "Student records" are those records directly related to a student and maintained by the University of California, Riverside.
1.03.2 Student records include, but are not limited to, academic evaluations, including student examination papers, transcripts, test scores and other academic records, general counseling and advising records, disciplinary records, and financial aid records, including student loan collection records.
1.03.3 The term "student records" as used in these policies is synonymous with the term "education records" in the Federal Family Rights and Privacy Act.
1.03.4 The term "student records" does not include the following records, and therefore such records are not governed by these policies.
- Personal records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and educational
personnel ancillary to those persons, which:
- Are kept by the sole possession of the maker of the record; and
- Are not accessible or revealed to any other individual, except to an individual who performs on a temporary basis the duties of the individual who made the record.
- Campus Police records which are created and maintained by the campus police solely for law enforcement purposes.
- All records relating to a student who is also an employee of the University of California,
Riverside, are included in the definition of student records, if the student's employment
is contingent upon the fact that the individual is a student. For example, Federal
Work-study records are student records.
Employment records, when the University of California, Riverside, employment did not result from and does not depend upon the fact that an individual is a student at the University, provided that the employment records:- Relate exclusively to the individual in that individuals capacity as an University employee;
- Are made and maintained in the normal course of business; and
- Are not available for use for any other purpose.
- Health records which:
- Are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in a professional or paraprofessional capacity, or assisting in that capacity;
- Are created, maintained, or used only in connection with the provision of the treatment of the student; and
- Are not disclosed to anyone other than the individuals providing the treatment, except
that records may be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional
of the student's choice.
For the purpose of this definition, "treatment" does not include academic or career advising, tutoring, disability management counseling, or any instructions offered by the University of California, Riverside.
- Applicant records of individuals who do not enroll in or register with an academic program of the University. If and when applicants become students, their applicant records become student records, which are then according the same privacy rights as any other student records governed by these policies. See Section 1.01 for definition of "student".
- Alumni records or any records containing only information relating to a person after that person is no longer a student.
1.04 Personally Identifiable Information
1.04.1 The term "personally identifiable information" means any information that identifies or describes a student. It includes, but is not limited to, a student's name, the name of a student's parent or other family members, the address of a student or student's family, any personal identifier such as a student's social security number, or any personal characteristics or other information that would make a student's identity easily traceable.
1.04.2 Personally identifiable information is divided into two categories: (1) public information, which may be disclosed to any party without the prior written consent of the student to whom the information pertains, except as specified in Section 6.01, and (2) confidential information which requires the student's prior written consent, except as specified in Section 7.01.
1.05 Public Information
1.05.1 The term "public information" means information contained in a student record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.
1.05.2 Public Information Defined
- The University of California, Riverside, considers the following to be public information
with respect to individual students:
- Student Name
- E-mail address
- Telephone Numbers
- Major Field of Study
- Dates of Attendance
- Number of Units in which Enrolled
- Degrees and Honors Received
- Previous Educational Institution Attended
- Participation in Officially Recognized Activities, including, but not limited to, Intercollegiate Athletics; the name, weight, and height of participants in Intercollegiate UCR athletic teams.
1.05.3 Students have the right to refuse to permit any or all of the above categories of personally identifiable information to be designated as public information with respect to themselves. Students who do not want their name and local telephone number to be published in the campus telephone directory must log in to their R'web account, click on Privacy, and check the "Directory Restriction" box.
Students who wish to have any or all of the items heretofore defined as public information to be restricted from releaseoutside the University of California, Riverside, must check each item to be restricted in the Privacy section of their R'web account.
Students also have the right to restrict from release any or all of the above categories of personally identifiable information with respect to themselves during all quarters that they are not registered with UCR, including the period following graduation. Students who wish to exercise this right should also go to the Privacy section of their R'web account.
1.05.4 The term "public information" as used in these policies is synonymous with the term "directory information" in the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the State of California Education Code.
1.06 Disclosure
The term "disclosure" means to permit access to or the release, transfer, or other communication of personally identifiable information contained in a student record to any party, by any means, including, but not limited to, oral, written, or electronic means.
1.07 Financial Aid
"Financial aid" means the provision of financial resources to students, based on the strength of their academic achievements, or on the strength of their financial need, or on a combination of the two.
1.08 Campus
Within this document "campus" means the Riverside campus of the University of California.
1.09 University
Within this document "University" means the University of California, Riverside, which shall always be first mentioned by the complete name.
1.10 Campus Official
Within this document, a "campus official" is any individual designated by the University of California, Riverside, to perform an assigned function on behalf of the University.
1.11 Legitimate Educational Interest
"Legitimate Educational Interest" means the demonstrated need to know by those University of California, Riverside, officials who act in a student's educational interest.
1.11.1 Legitimate Educational Interest Criteria Defined
- Performance by the campus official of a task that relates specifically to the campus official's participation in a student's education as included in the campus official's job description.
- Performance by the campus official of a task specified in that campus official's job description or contract agreement.
- Performance by the campus official of a task related specifically to the discipline of a student.
- Performance by the campus official of a task that relates specifically to or provides a service or benefit relating to a student or student's family, such as health care, counseling, job placement, or financial aid.
2.01 Students enrolled in or registered with the University of California, Riverside, shall be informed annually of their rights under these policies, and under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and its implementing regulations, by such means and at such times as are reasonably likely to inform them of those rights.
2.02 Students at the University of California, Riverside, shall be informed through notices posted each quarter in theSchedule of Classes and annually in the General Catalog.
2.02.1 Additional notification, although not mandatory, may also be made through other means such as the campus newspaper and informational materials provided to new students who have accepted offers of admission to the University of California, Riverside.
2.03 The notification shall include a statement that the student has a right to:
- Inspect and review the student's own records
- Request correction of the student's own records
- Grieve an alleged violation of privacy rights, as specified in these policies
- Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student
records, except to the extent disclosure without consent are authorized under the
Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- At the University of California, Riverside, students are urged to bring to the attention of the UCR FERPA Officer or Registrar any problems or possible violations of the rights associated with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- File with the United States Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the campus to comply with the requirements of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act;
- Be informed where copies of the student record policies are located and how to obtain a copy; and
- Be informed of the types and locations of student records that are maintained on campus.
3.01 Procedures
With the exception of the records listed in Section 3.02, students shall be permitted to inspect and review their student records within a reasonable period of time, but in no case longer than 30 working days after the receipt of the student's request.3.01.1 Students shall be entitled to a response to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the records. The terms "explanations and interpretations" do not mean a justification of why the records exist or why specific information is contained in the records. That is, an explanation or interpretation need only inform students of what the record contains. If a student believes that a record is inaccurate or misleading, procedures for seeking the correction of the record are provided in Section 9.0.
3.01.2 The University of California, Riverside, will comply with written requests from students for copies of their records when failure to provide copies would effectively prevent them from exercising the right to inspect and review their student records. For example, UCR shall provide copies of a student's record if the student does not live within commuting distance of the campus.
3.01.3 Fees for copies of student records shall be assessed in accordance with campus fee schedules unless the imposition of a fee effectively prevents a student from exercising the right to inspect and review the student's own records. No charge may be made to search for or to retrieve any student record. A fee not to exceed $0.10 per page may be charged to an individual student for making copies of the student's record.
3.01.4 A list of the types and locations of student records maintained by the University of California, Riverside, and the titles and addresses of the officials responsible for the records is provided in Appendix A.
3.01.5 Student records shall not be destroyed if there is an outstanding request to review them (also see Section 8.04.1).
3.02 Records Exempt from Inspection and Review by Students
3.02.1 Financial records and statements of the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) of any information contained therein. Information from the Parent's Confidential Financial Statement, or equivalent information, may be disclosed to the student only on condition that the proper authorization has been signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s).
3.02.2 Confidential letters and statements of recommendation which were placed in the student records prior to January 1, 1975, provided that the letters and statements are used only for the purposes for which they were originally intended.
3.02.3 Confidential letters and statements for recommendation which were placed in a student's records after January 1, 1975, with regard to admission, application for employment, or the receipt of an honor, if the student has waived the right to inspect and review those recommendations (also see Section 5.0).
3.02.4 Records containing personally identifiable information about other students. If the student records contain information on more than one student, students may inspect and review or be informed of only the specific information which pertains to themselves, except as specified in Section 7.01.
4.01 Privacy of and access to admission records of applicants who do not subsequently become students are not covered by these policies, but are subject to the policies and procedures found in the University of California Business and Finance Bulletin, Records Management and Privacy Series.
5.01 Subject to the limitations of this Section, and in Section 3.02.3 of these policies, students may waive, or may be requested to waive, their right of access to confidential recommendations or evaluations regarding admission, application for employment, or the receipt of an honor. Such waivers must be voluntary, and may not be required as a condition for admission to the University of California, Riverside, or the receipt of any other service or benefit from the University. Waivers must be in writing and signed by the students, and may be made with respect to specified classes of student records or specified classes of persons or institutions.
5.02 Students shall be notified upon request of the names of all individuals providing confidential letters and statements of recommendation to which they have waived their right to access.
5.03 Such recommendations retain their confidentiality only if they are used for the purpose for which they were originally intended.
5.04 The fact that a waiver has or has not been executed pursuant to this section shall not be revealed to any person other than the person or persons responsible for the maintenance of student records or to the person or persons making the confidential recommendation.
5.05 No student may be required to sign a form saying that the student has not waived access to any confidential information.
5.06 Waivers may be revoked in writing with respect to records obtained or received subsequent to the revocation. Such revocations shall not affect a student's access to records obtained or received prior to such written notice of revocation.
6.01 Disclosure of Public Information About Current Students
6.01.1 The categories of personally identifiable information that the University of California, Riverside, has designated as public information are listed in Section 1.05.2 of this document. Personally identifiable information that has been so designated as public information may be disclosed without prior student consent unless the student notifies UCR via the Privacy section of R'web that such information shall not be disclosed.
6.01.2 Students shall be informed at the time they enroll in, or register with, any academic program of the University of California, Riverside, and at least annually thereafter, of their right to refuse to permit any or all of the above categories of personally identifiable information to be designated as public information with respect to themselves.
6.01.3 Students shall notify the University of California, Riverside, via the Privacy section of R'web, of the personally identifiable information related to themselves that is not to be designated as public information. Within a reasonable time after receipt of notification, the information so designated may not be disclosed without the written consent of the student, except as otherwise noted in Section 7.01.
6.01.4 Students who do not want their name and local telephone number to be published in the UCR telephone directory go to R'web, Privacy and update the flag "Directory Restriction".
6.01.5 Students who wish to have any or all of the categories defined as public information to be restricted from release outside the University must go to R'web, Privacy, and update applicable flags.
6.01.6 Students also have the right to refuse to permit any or all categories of personally identifiable information listed in Section 1.05.2 to be designated as public information with respect to themselves during all quarters that they are not registered with the University of California, Riverside, including the period following graduation. Students who wish to exercise this right shall go to R'web, Privacy, and update applicable flags. This right must be exercised while they are still enrolled as students.
6.02 Public Information About Former Students
6.02.1 Information confirming the following facts about former students who attended the University of California, Riverside, prior to the initial issuance of these policies on February 1, 1977, may be disclosed without the former students' consent, unless the last written notification received by UCR at the time they were students specified that the information with respect to themselves was not to be considered public information: the former students' registration, dates of attendance at UCR, majors, degrees granted, and dates on which degrees were conferred.
6.02.2 Information regarding former students who attend the University of California, Riverside, after February 1, 1977, which was designated public information by UCR at the time they were students, may be disclosed without the former students' consent unless their last written notification received by UCR at the time they were students specified that the information with respect to themselves was not to be considered public information.
7.01 Permissible Disclosures
Except for the disclosure of public information under conditions specified in Section 6.01, personally identifiable information from student records may not be disclosed without the prior written consent of the student, other than:
7.01.1 To the following University of California, Riverside, or University of California officials as specified below who have been determined to have legitimate educational interest in the records (see Section 1.11.1). Determinations as to whether the legitimate educational interest requirement is satisfied shall be made by the head administrator of the unit retaining the information. Campus personnel receiving or utilizing the information shall be responsible for its subsequent disclosure pursuant to the provisions of these policies.
- Disclosures may be made to campus officials in accordance with legitimate educational interest criteria.
- Intra-University disclosures may be made to appropriate University of California officials in the Office of the President and the Office of the General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs, if those officials have legitimate educational interest in the student records.
- Inter-campus disclosures may be made between campuses who administer or participate in Universitywide joint programs or activities, in accordance with legitimate educational interest criteria.
- If a student is concurrently enrolled at the University of California, Riverside, and in another institution, or in two campuses of the University of California, or receives services from one campus of the University and from another institution, or from two campuses of the University, information from the student records of that individual may be disclosed by one University campus to the other, or by UCR to the other institution, without obtaining the written consent of the student in accordance with legitimate educational interest. This provision includes institutions participating in Education Abroad Programs.
- As specified in Section 104.30, Student Discipline, of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, limited disclosures of recommendations arising from disciplinary procedures may be made between campuses.
7.01.2 To authorized Federal and State officials in connection with the audit and evaluation of Federally supported education programs, or in connection with the enforcement of Federal law which relates to such programs.
7.01.3 In connection with financial aid for which a student has applied or which a student has received, only as may be necessary:
- To determine eligibility of the student for financial aid;
- To determine the amount of the financial aid;
- To determine the conditions which will be imposed regarding the financial aid; or
- To enforce the terms or conditions of the financial aid.
Such information shall be disclosed to donors only if the conditions of the gift or award expressly require that this information be disclosed.
7.01.4 To State and local officials or authorities to whom information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to State statue(s) adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
7.01.5 To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in a manner which will not permit the personal identification of students and/or their parents by individuals other than representatives of the organization, and the information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purposes for which the student was conducted. The term "organizations" includes, but is not limited to, Federal, State, and local agencies, and independent organizations.
7.01.6 To accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
7.01.7 To comply with a judicial order or subpoena. A reasonable effort shall be made to notify the student in advance of the disclosure of the record.
The service of a subpoena, under the authority of any State court or agency, upon a University employee solely for the purpose of causing that employee to produce any student record may be complied with, in lieu of a personal appearance as a witness in the proceeding, by submitting to the course or other agency issuing the subpoena at the time and place required by the subpoena a copy of the record, accompanied with an affidavit certifying that the copy is a true copy of the original record on file in the University office. The copy of the record shall be in the form of a Photostat, microfilm, micro card, miniature photograph or other photographic copy or reproduction, or enlargement thereof.
7.01.8 To appropriate parties in connection with an emergency when the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons. For example, campus police may have access to student records under such conditions.
7.01.9 To the alleged victim of any crime of violence. The information disclosed shall be limited to notice of the results of any disciplinary action by the University and the results of any appeal. "Crime of violence" means an offense in which there is the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against a person or the property of another or any other offense that is a felony and that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against a person or property of another may be used in the course of committing the offense. "Results" means the decision on whether or not misconduct occurred and the type of sanction that was imposed, if any.
In crimes involving sexual assault or physical abuse, State law requires disclosure of the results to the alleged victim within three working days following a disciplinary action or appeal. In these cases, disclosure shall be made within three working days of notification of the accused student. The alleged victim shall keep the results of any disciplinary action or appeal confidential, as described in Section 7.02.
7.02 Redisclosure of Personally Identifiable Information
7.02.1 When disclosure is permitted under these policies, personally identifiable information may be disclosed only on the condition that the party to whom the information is disclosed is information that may not be disclosed to any other party without the written consent of the student. Any consent form obtained from the student must be kept permanently with the record file.
7.02.2 When disclosure is permitted under these policies, personally identifiable information which is disclosed may be used by the officers, employees, and agents of the party to whom the information was disclosed, but only for the purposes for which the disclosure was made.
7.03 Request to Forward Academic Records
The University of California, Riverside, forwards appropriate academic records on request of the student to other educational institutions in which the student seeks or intends to enroll. When students request that their academic records be forwarded to other institutions, students may be required to pay all fees and charges due to the University before the records are transferred.
8.01 Record of Disclosures Required
The University of California, Riverside, shall maintain records, kept with the student records of an individual, which indicate:
8.01.1 The parties who have requested or obtained personally identifiable information from student records;
8.01.2 The legitimate interest of these parties had in requesting or obtaining the information; and
8.01.3 The date of the requests for the information and the dates of the disclosure of the records.
8.02 Record of Disclosures Not Required
A record of disclosures is not required for:
8.02.1 Disclosures to students of their own records;
8.02.2 Disclosures pursuant to the written consent of the student when the consent is specified with respect to the party or parties to whom the disclosures are to be made;
8.02.3 Disclosures to University of California, Riverside, officials under Section 7.01.1; or
8.02.4 Disclosures of public information.
8.03 Inspection of Record of Disclosures
The record of disclosures may be inspected:
8.03.1 By the student;
8.03.2 By the campus official and the campus official's assistants who are responsible for the custody for records; or
8.03.3 For the purpose of auditing the record keeping procedures of the campus, by parties authorized in, and under the conditions set forth in Section 7.01.1 and 7.01.2.
8.04 Records Disposition
Student records are subject to mandatory disposition schedules obtained in the University of California Records Disposition Schedules Manual with the following exceptions:
8.04.1 Students records shall be retained if there is an outstanding request to inspect and review them (see also Section 3.01.5);
8.04.2 Explanations placed in the student record of an individual seeking to correct the record shall be retained as long as the contested portion of the record is retained; and
8.04.3 The record of access shall be retained as long as the student record to which it relates is maintained by the campus.
9.01 Request For Correction of Records/Hearings
9.01.1 Students shall be entitled to an explanation of any information contained in official records, files, and data directly related to themselves as students. If they believe information contained in their student records is inaccurate or misleading or otherwise in violation of their right of privacy as provided in these policies, they may request of the University of California, Riverside, official responsible for maintaining the records that their records be corrected. If their request is granted, the records shall be corrected within a reasonable period of timuc1310e following receipt of the request. If their request is denied, they shall be informed of the refusal and advised of their right to a hearing.
9.02 Hearing Procedures
9.02.1 Students may challenge information contained in their records by filing a written request for a hearing with the appropriate vice chancellor. The vice chancellor will assign the matter to a hearing officer, who will conduct the hearing in accordance with the procedures specified in Sections 103.10-103.11 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Policy.
- The hearing shall be held within a reasonable period of time after it has been requested, and the student shall be notified of the date, place, and time reasonably in advance of the hearing;
- The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer who has no direct interest in the outcome of the hearing and who may be a campus administrator;
- Students shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised under Section 9.01 of these policies, and may be assisted or represented by individuals of their choice, at their own expense;
- The decision rendered shall be made in writing within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of the hearing; and
- The decision shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing and shall include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision.
9.03 Hearing Outcomes
9.03.1 If, as a result of the hearing, campus officials decide that the information in question is inaccurate, or misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student, the record shall be corrected accordingly and the student information in writing of the action taken.
9.03.2 If, as a result of the hearing, campus officials decide that he information in question is not inaccurate or misleading, or otherwise a violation of the privacy rights of the student, the student shall be informed of the right to insert into the record a statement commenting upon the information in the record and/or setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision to leave the record unchanged. This statement shall remain a permanent part of the record as long as the contested portion remains a part of the record, and it shall be revealed to any party to whom the contested portion is revealed.
9.04 Records Concerning Disciplinary Action
Whenever any information is included in any student record concerning any disciplinary action taken by campus personnel in connection with the student, the student shall be allowed to include in the record a written statement or response concerning the disciplinary action.
9.05 Grades
Grades given in a course of study, including written evaluations which reflect institutional judgments of the quality of the student's academic performance in the course of student, are not subject to challenge under Section 9.0 of these policies.
Any alleged violation of privacy rights as provided by these policies, other than those rights specified in Section 9.0 relating to the content of student records, may be grieved pursuant to Section 110.00 of the Policy on Student Grievance Procedures.
Complaints regarding alleged violations of the rights accorded students by the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be filed with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605. Students are urged to bring to the attention of the University of California, Riverside, FERPA office or Registrar any problems or possible violations of rights associated with the Act.
In addition to the remedies listed above, when an individual believes that the University has violated State law or the University's policies and has exhausted administrative remedies, the State of California Education Code, Sections 67137-67139 provide for specific civil actions by means of which an individual may seek injunctive relief and damages against the University.
Appendix A
University of California, Riverside, Student Records: Locations of Records, Title and Address of Responsible Official
Student Academic Records Maintained in Departments, Colleges, Schools, or the Graduate Division:
Students' academic records are maintained in their academic department and appropriate college or school, or the Graduate Division; the maintenance of these records is the responsibility of the department chair or dean.
Office of the Registrar
Student records maintained by this office include the official UCR academic record (transcript), academically-related information, and the residence classification information. The maintenance of these records is the responsibility of the Registrar.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Records are maintained by this office for every undergraduate student who attended UCR with the exception of students enrolled exclusively in University Extension or Summer Session. These files containing the original admission application, transcripts from institutions previously attended, and other documents related to applications for admission are held for five years after the last date of attendance or until graduation (whichever occurs earlier) at which time they are purged. Maintenance of these records is the responsibility of the Director of Undergraduate Admissions.
Office of Financial Aid
Records maintained by this office are relevant to financial aid awards, work-study employment, and academic information as it pertains to satisfactory academic progress standards. These records include, but are not limited to, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Federal Income Tax Forms (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ), Financial Aid Transcripts (FAT) from schools previously attended, the Verification Form, and student employment forms. Maintenance of these records is the responsibility of the Director of Financial Aid.
Other Departments
Students who have records in various student service offices such as Career Services, Counseling Center, Campus Health Center, Housing, International Services Center, Learning Center, Student Special Services (for disabled and veterans' services), and Women's Resource Center, should contact those offices for information.
Student Discipline Records
Student discipline records are kept in the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs.
Appendix B
Official Statement for Notifications to Students
(General Catalog, Schedule of Classes)
In accordance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended and campus procedures that implement the University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, the following information is published.
The University of California, Riverside, considers the following to be public information with respect to individual students: addresses (local, permanent, e-mail addresses); telephone numbers; date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; number of enrolled units; degrees and honors received; the name of the most recent previous educational institution attended; participation in officially recognized university activities, including intercollegiate athletics; and the name, weight, and height of participants on intercollegiate university athletic teams.
Students have a right to refuse to permit any or all of the above categories of personally identifiable information to be designated as public information with respect to themselves. Students who do not want their information to be published in the campus directory must check the appropriate privacy restriction on R'web.ucr.edu. Students who wish to have any or all of the items defined as public information to be restricted from release outside the University must check each item to be restricted on R'web.ucr.edu.
Students who choose to restrict personally identifiable information about themselves that has been defined as public information are advised of some potential implications. The campus may not then disclose to anyone (including prospective employers, hometown newspapers, and others outside the University) information from a restricted category, such as the award of a Regents Scholarship, election to Phi Beta Kappa, degree(s) granted and the date(s) conferred, and dates of attendance.
Students' academic records are maintained in their academic department and appropriate college or school, or the Graduate Division; the maintenance of these records is the responsibility of the department chair or dean. Students who believe that their records contain incorrect or misleading information and who seek review of these records with a view towards altering or expunging a portion of them should make initial inquiry and petition through the appropriate department chair or academic dean, who institutes an informal investigation and, if necessary, refers the matter for hearing.
Copies of the University of California and UCR Policies Applying to Disclosure of Information from Student Records are available in the following offices on the UCR campus: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost; Office of the Registrar; Office of the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs; the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management; the Office of Enrollment Management Systems, and Office of the Ombudsman. These offices also have copies of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, for review.
Students have a right to file complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education regarding alleged violations of the rights accorded them by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Students are urged to bring to the attention of the UCR FERPA office or Registrar any problems or possible violations of rights associated with the Act.