Schedule of Classes / Catalog
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Explore the Catalog
Browse courses in the General Catalog, download it to your mobile device or print it out by section. A catalog course search is alo available at classes.ucr.edu or via the "Registration" icon in R'Web.
UC Online Courses
Students in the University of California system can take a series of online courses offered by the various UC campuses. Eligible UC undergraduate students can enroll simultaneously in another UC's online course. Add/drop dates vary by campus and by the quarter/semester calendar. No additional tuition is assessed; however, other fees may apply depending on the course. Course credit is calculated in a student's UC GPA. Students should meet with their advisor before enrolling to confirm course applicability toward their degree. For more information regarding available courses and registration please go to crossenroll.universityofcalifornia.edu. You can view how the courses will articulate to UCR by searching as a UC Riverside student. In the result table, the Course Approvals column provides you with guidance, or you can select the title of the course for more information.
See Archives
To see the Schedule of Classes and General Catalogs from past years, please use our Archives.
Summer Session
For additional information on policies and fees for Summer Session, please go to summer.ucr.edu.