Change of Name, Address, Preferred Name, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation Information
Change of Name, Address, Preferred Name, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation Information
Name | Preferred Name | Address or Phone Number | Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation |
Change Your Name
To change or correct your name on academic records, you will need:
- A photo ID
- Legal documentation (court order, marriage license, birth certificate or passport)
- A completed Change or Correction of Name Form
Bring the above to the Highlander One Stop Shop (HOSS) on the first floor of the Student Services Building or mail it to:
University of California, RiversideOffice of the Registrar
2249 Student Services Building
Riverside, CA 92521-0118
- All requests for changes or corrections of name must be accompanied by the required legal documentation.
- Photocopies are fine if you are mailing in your request.
IMPORTANT: If you want your new name to appear on your diploma make your name change request before the last day of finals during your graduation quarter. See the calendar for the last day of finals.
Change Your Preferred Name
You may provide the university a preferred name via R’Web. Use of a preferred name is optional and can be provided, updated or removed at any time.
- Providing a preferred first and/or middle name will update the system so that your preferred name displays in your R’Web; R’Mail address; iLearn, iEval; Class and grade rosters for faculty use in iGrade; For departmental reporting purposes.
- Use of the legal name is necessitated for some university business and therefore is always maintained in the student information system.
- The UCR Directory will only use your legal name. If you do not want your R’Mail address to be visible in the Directory next to your legal name, please opt out of the Directory listing by going to R’Web – Personal Information – Authorization & Privacy – Directory Information Privacy. Check the box for Online Directory.
- You may request a new R’Card with your preferred name. The standard replacement card fee will apply. Learn more on the Card Services website.
- See preferred name frequently asked questions.
Change Your Address or Phone Number
You can change your local and/or permanent address or phone number by clicking on the Personal Information icon in R’Web. The majority of communications from UCR are provided to students by email via R’mail. This includes notification that your bill is ready to be reviewed, instructions related to registration, etc. If you expect to receive a refund and have not signed up for direct deposit, your check will be mailed to your local address on file (if you are living on campus this will be your campus housing). If you do not have a local address on file, it will be mailed to your permanent address on file.
Update Other Offices
Keep in mind, the address and phone number you submit is also used by:
- Financial Aid
- Student Business Services
- Academic Departments
It is NOT used by:
- Rivera Library
- Transportation and Parking Services
- Residence Halls
- The Campus Health Center
That means you will need to contact those offices and inform them of your change of address and/or phone number.
Change your Gender Identify or Sexual Orientation Information.
Students may provide the university their gender identity and/or sexual orientation via R’Web. Providing this information is optional and is used by the university targeting resources and other student support services (e.g., scholarships and themed housing). This data also enables the campus to develop curricular and co-curricular offerings that reflect students’ diverse perspectives, and that promotes a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students.
See Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Frequently Asked Questions.