Residency for Tuition Purposes
What is "Residency for Tuition and Fee Purposes"?
Your residency status (whether you are a California resident or not) determines whether your tuition and fees will be charged at a California-resident or nonresident rate. Our campus residence affairs officer determines that status based on information you provide in your Statement of Legal Residence. Access to the Statement of Legal Residence is provided through MyUCR to all students who have completed the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR).
Important:- The UC Office of the President website provides a useful summary of residency procedures, requirements, policies and appeal information.
- If the outcome of any of these processes is a nonresident status, supplemental tution must be paid. This includes failure on your part to complete the process by the deadline.
- Education Code sections and UC Regents' regulations are available at our office.
- Residency requirements are subject to change.
Am I a resident?
There are four residence requirements you must meet in order to qualify for California resident status. See them here.
What is the Statement of Legal Residence (SLR)?
The SLR is how you declare your residency status when you first come to UCR (as a freshman, transfer or graduate student) or when you return after a significant break (longer than three quarters). You submit it after your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Additional documentation may be required to prove your status.
How to complete the SLR:
- Freshmen and transfer students who have submitted their Statement of Intent to Register can complete the SLR in MyUCR. Graduate students will receive a packet from Graduate Admissions.
I want to establish residency, how do I do that?
You should aim for meeting the four residence requirements outlined here.
My residency status changed, what do I do?
If your residency status changed, you must immediately notify the campus residence affairs officer (reshelp@ucr.edu).
Petition for Resident Classification
If you want to be classified as a resident, you must petition in person at our office.
All status changes must be initiated before the first day of classes for the applicable
term. See the requirements for resident status.
I was classified incorrectly, what do I do?
If your residency status was classified incorrectly, you must immediately notify the campus residence affairs officer (reshelp@ucr.edu). If you were incorrectly classified as a resident, you are subject to nonresident tuition. If you concealed or gave false information, you may be subject to university discipline.
Petition for Resident Classification
If you want to be classified as a resident, you must petition in person at our office.
All status changes must be initiated before the first day of classes for the applicable
term. See the requirements for resident status.
My resident status was denied, can I appeal?
Students denied resident status might have the right to appeal. Appeals must be filed within 30 days of notification of the campus residence affairs officer's decision.
Instructions and Application to Appeal a Nonresident Classification
I still have questions.
All inquiries should be directed to:
David Gilbert
Residency and Fee Coordinator
University of California, Riverside
Office of the Registrar
2249 Student Services Building
No other university personnel are authorized to supply information connected to residency
for tuition and fee purposes.