Course Proposal
How Course Proposals Work
Use the steps below to see each stage of the course proposal process. Find out how faculty, departmental preparers and multiple approvers each contribute as the proposal makes its way through the system. See Users and Definitions for an overview of CRS terminology.
All successful course proposals go through the following process:
When a department initiates a course proposal, its faculty members fill out specific worksheets and a syllabus and give them to the designated preparer, or the faculty members can enter the course proposal information directly into CRS after receiving access to CRS as a faculty member through the department SAA.
First (if required), the preparer requests reports that show how other classes/majors/minors would be impacted by the course proposal.
The preparer must contact other departments impacted by the proposal (cross-listed courses, etc.) so that they can adjust where needed.
The preparer enters the course proposal into CRS using faculty-provided worksheets,
additional checklists, the Style Guidelines and Course Management in CRS.
We encourage all preparers to sign up for CRS training. Please email melinda.miller@ucr.edu for details.
Once submitted, the proposal follows a specific approval routing path in which approvers (the reviewer, faculty committee members and chairs) review the
proposal in CRS and provide feedback.
Having the proposal in CRS allows multiple approvers to see it and provide feedback
in a centralized location. It also ensures correct formatting for the General Catalog.
The preparer works with the faculty initiating the proposal to make adjustments as
The preparer continually tracks the proposal's progress using the search function in CRS until it reaches the appropriate Committee on Courses meeting (where it may ultimately be approved).
If the Committee on Courses approves the proposal, the preparer will receive an email indicating next steps.
If the proposal is not approved, the proposal returns to the CRS college subject code preparer.