
Receiving Your Diploma
Your diploma will be directly mailed at no cost (starting Spring 2018 and later). Your diploma will be mailed to your permanent address on R’Web. Make sure your address is up-to-date! You can change your permanent address by clicking on the “Personal Information” icon in R’Web.
Spring Deadline
Make sure to update your permanent address by the deadline: Spring 2018 graduates
by Friday, August 31, 2018
An email will be sent to your R'Mail account when your diploma has been mailed out
(about four to six months after your graduation date). Make sure that you forward your R'mail to your personal email account so that you don't miss the notice.
Diplomas will not be mailed if there is an outstanding financial balance due. Log in to R’Web to view any holds you may have, their description, and who to contact to resolve the hold. In most cases, the office that placed the hold is the only one that can release it. If you have questions, we recommend contacting that office directly. Contact the Registrar’s Office once you have cleared your holds to have your diploma mailed.
Graduates prior to Spring 2018
please review options below for receipt of your diploma:
Pick up your diploma in person
- You can pick up your diploma at the Highlander One Stop Shop (HOSS), on the first floor of the Student Services Building.
- You must provide a valid photo ID and signature when you pick up your diploma.
Have your diploma mailed to you
- To request your diploma to be mailed to you, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 951-827-7284.
Authorize someone to pick up your diploma
If you would like to authorize a friend or family member to pick up your diploma, please write a brief letter to that effect that includes your:
- Full name
- Student identification number
- Phone number
- Signature
You can fax the above to 951-827-7368 or your friend or family member can bring it in-person to the HOSS on the first floor of the Student Services Building.
We do NOT accept emails.
Remind your friend or family member to bring his or her valid photo ID when picking up your diploma.