Waitlist Information
All About Waitlists
Some full courses offer a waitlist option during registration. If so, you will either see a message inviting you to add yourself to the waitlist or the course status will read, "FULL COURSE WAITLIST OPEN- This course is full. A waitlist with (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) students is available."
- Being on a waitlist does not guarantee eventual enrollment in a course.
- Waitlist units do not count toward your max number of units allowed.
- You will receive an email when you are being offered a seat off the waitlist. You will have only 24 hours to enroll in the course. If you do not enroll within the 24 hour timeframe you will be dropped from the waitlist and the seat will be automatically offered to the next student on the waitlist.
- Only waitlist yourself in one activity for linked courses. If a waitlist is available, it will either be on the lecture or on the smallest section of the linked course(s) only. For example, in a lecture/discussion pair, the waitlist will only be on the discussion since it is the smallest section. When you receive your space off the waitlist for the discussion, there should be an available seat in the lecture for you as well. You must register for all linked courses when you are registering for a class after having been on the waitlist.
Waitlist Essentials

Add Yourself to a Waitlist
Select "Waitlist" from the action menu. You will be able to add yourself to the waitlist if you have met all course prerequisites, restrictions, and special approvals. Follow the instructions here. The system will not check for maximum units, linked sections or time conflicts until you have been offered a seat off the waitlist and you officially attempt to add the course. Watch your email to make sure you do not miss your opportunity to enroll!

Remove Yourself From a Waitlist
If you do not want to wait-list for a course any longer, you must take action to remove
yourself from it. You can remove yourself from the waitlist by selecting "Drop" from
the action menu as it is shown here.

Wait-Listing Linked Courses
If a waitlist is available it will either be on the lecture or on the smallest section of the linked course(s) only. For example, in a lecture/discussion pair the waitlist will only be on the discussion since it is the smallest section. If you attempt to enroll in linked courses and receive the following registration error message - FULL COURSE WAITLIST OPEN - This course is full. A waitlist with (1, 2, 3, etc.) students is available. – you will need to determine if you want to waitlist for the course. If you determine you want to waitlist for the course you must DROP all activity sections that do not have a waitlist (i.e. the lecture for linked courses) and WAITLIST for the activity sections that has the waitlist option in the drop down. For detailed steps, see Add Yourself to a Waitlist above.

How do I enroll in a class I wait-listed for and got into?
If space becomes available in a class and you are on its waitlist, you will receive an email sent to your R’Mail account stating there is a seat currently reserved for you. You will have 24 hours to respond from the time the email was generated by following the instructions here. Make sure to check your R'Mail!
What should I do if I missed my 24-hour deadline?
A student’s deadline to enroll is listed in the email sent to their R’Mail account and is also visible in R’Web. If you missed the 24 hour deadline to enroll off the waitlist and still want to enroll in the class, you must log into R’Web and add yourself to the waitlist for the course again. The seat has automatically been offered to the next student on the waitlist after your deadline passes.